Friday, September 14, 2018

Ocean of Love

an ocean of love
that is what you are to me.
My Lord Jesus
i'm overwhelmed by all that you are to me.
When I see the joy in my mother's eyes,
I know you are real.
When I feel the love that my grandmother gave me,
I know you are real.
When I see your provision,
feel you heart,
and bask in your touch,
I know you are real.
You are real--and right there forever loving me,
drowning me--
in an ocean of love.

thank you

"...And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15


  1. Hi Stacie. I found your blog via Lori Alexander's The Transformed Wife. Thank you so much for your post on not wanting to be a " strong black woman" that so many of us have been taught to be. I pray that the Lord will make you a wife and mother in His timing though, I secretly hope it is soon☺

  2. Thank you Regina for telling me that! So encouraging. God bless


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