"Compassion" By Barry
Jesus in Matthew 9:36 saw the crowd and had compassion on them cause they were like sheep with no Shepard.
God wants us to have compassion for each other. See the world is lacking compassion. Compassion is love and love is compassion. Who have u had compassion for lately and what did you do to show it? There is a world dying for compassion. In a world that is filled with temptations trying to suck you in like quick sand. We all fall short of the glory of God. We were born into sin and always making mistakes. The world loves to tell you what u did wrong. People ridicule anybody struggling with anything. God never promised pleasures but said in this world you will have trouble. Don't worry he has overcome the world and promised to always be with you. I look out the window and see hearts crying out. Crying out in the form of drugs, alcohol, sex, greed, murder, idols, and hate. I understand that these things will exist but if we had more compassion for our neighbors just maybe it would be a different world. Only hurt people hurt people. So if we showed compassion, compassion would give back what it put out. Pray that our eyes be open and we learn how to be compassionate especially towards the poor.
God wants us to have compassion for each other. See the world is lacking compassion. Compassion is love and love is compassion. Who have u had compassion for lately and what did you do to show it? There is a world dying for compassion. In a world that is filled with temptations trying to suck you in like quick sand. We all fall short of the glory of God. We were born into sin and always making mistakes. The world loves to tell you what u did wrong. People ridicule anybody struggling with anything. God never promised pleasures but said in this world you will have trouble. Don't worry he has overcome the world and promised to always be with you. I look out the window and see hearts crying out. Crying out in the form of drugs, alcohol, sex, greed, murder, idols, and hate. I understand that these things will exist but if we had more compassion for our neighbors just maybe it would be a different world. Only hurt people hurt people. So if we showed compassion, compassion would give back what it put out. Pray that our eyes be open and we learn how to be compassionate especially towards the poor.
Thanks stacie just wrote from the heart and
I pray it blesses somebody on your page.
God bless mayne- Barry Guilford Jr.

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*** What a beautiful piece! Thank you Barry for writing this for staciecherill.com ! I know this will bless at least one soul, it blessed me! Love you man!
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